Inventory By Product Code

Product Code Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Room Location Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
0241P Pseudomonas fluorescens 2 * 1 Kwikstik 000-000-003 RG1 Bacteria H219 Biohazard Fridge Pulse Scientific Microbiologics Warning - RG1 Biohazard
0596P Bacillus coagulans
Lactobacillus sporogenes
1 000-000-003 RG1 Bacteria H219 Biohazard Fridge Pulse Scientific Microbiologics Warning - RG1 Biohazard
0819P Vibrio alginolyticus
non-cholera Vibrio; gastroenteritis
2 * 1 Kwikstik 000-000-004 RG2 Bacteria H219 Biohazard Fridge Pulse Scientific Microbiologics Danger - RG2 Biohazard
Mineral Oil 500ml 8012-95-1 Mineral Oil H213 General Pure Standard Products Pure Standard Products N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
19101 (old 2900142) RNase A 2 * 125 mL 9001-99-4 Ribonuclease A H220 Glass Fridge Qiagen Qiagen Danger - Health Hazard, Respiratory Sensitizer, Asthma Inducer
382-2110 Bactoclean Various * 1 Gallon 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details A137A Various Locations - see List in A137A Reliable Reliable N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
31699 Column Performance Test Mix for HPLC 1 * 1 ampul 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details R109 Fridge Restek Restek Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
31053 HPLC OQ Wavelength Accuracy Standard 1 * 5 mL 14017-55-1 Er(ClO4)3 R109 Fridge Restek Restek Danger - Corrosive and Oxidizing
30012 HPLC OQ Gradient Standard 1 * 1 mL 67-64-1 CH3COCH3 R109 Fridge Restek Restek Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
R61200001000 (old 4403B54) potassium hydrogen phthalate 1 * 500 g 877-24-7 KHC8H4O4 H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General Ricca Chemical Company Ricca Chemical Company N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
RDCS0530-1000B1 Sodium Hydroxide, pellets 1 * 1 kg 1310-73-2 NaOH R109 Large Bottle Ricca Chemical Company Ricca Chemical Company Danger - Caustic
3190 Formaldehyde 10% Buffered 1 * 4 L 50-00-0 HCHO R119 General Ricca Chemical Company Ricca Chemical Company Danger - Health Hazard, Carcinogen, Mutagen
SSOt0300 Triton X-100 1 * 500 mL 9002-93-1 N/A R109 Health Hazard Ricca Chemical Company Ricca Chemical Company Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
1160355801 (old 176895) DIG easy hyb granuals 6 * 100 mL N/A mixture H218 RNA General Roche Diagnostics Corporation Roche Diagnostics Corporation N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
ESL5 Cleaning Liquid, (ESL5) 100 ml 1 * 100 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details F103 Flammable Cabinet Roland DG Corporation Roland DG Corporation Warning - Combustible liquid
Page 79 of 135 (2014 records)