Inventory By Product Code

Product Code Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Room Location Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
N62-500 Nickelous Nitrate 1 * 500 g 13478-00-7 Ni(NO3)2.6H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Oxidizer
N62-500 Nickel II Nitrate Hexahydrate
Nickelous nitrate hexahydrate
1 * 500 g 13478-00-7 Ni(NO3)2.6H2O R109 Oxidizer Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Oxidizer, Corrosive, Health Hazard, Carcinogen, Mutagen, Teratogen
AC131072500 (old AC220022500) Phthalic Acid
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid
1 * 250 g 88-99-3 C8H6O4 H206 Chem Cabinet 4 Corrosives Fisher Scientific Acros Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
A402-500 1-Octanol
Capryl alcohol
2 * 500 mL 111-87-5 CH3(CH2)6CH2OH H206 Chem Cabinet 8 Flammable Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Combustible liquid
E145 Ethyl Acetate 8 * 4 L 141-78-6 CH3COOC2H5 H211 Flammable Cabinet - Large Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Flammable
E145-4 Ethyl Acetate
Acetic acid ethyl ester
8 * 4 L 141-78-6 CH3COOC2H5 H211 Flammable Cabinet - Large Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
E145-500 Ethyl Acetate
Acetic acid ethyl ester
1 * 500 mL 141-78-6 CH3COOC2H5 H220 Flammable Cabinet Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
O121-1 Mineral Oil
White mineral oil (petroleum); saturated hydrocarbons
1 * 1 L 8042-47-5 Light Mineral Oil H206 Chem Under Sink Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
O121-4 Mineral oil (light)
White mineral oil (petroleum); saturated hydrocarbons
2 * 4 L 8042-47-5 Light Mineral Oil H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
O121-4 Mineral Oil - Light
White mineral oil (petroleum); saturated hydrocarbons
1 * 4 L 8042-47-5 Light Mineral Oil H211 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C556-4 cyclohexane
Hexahydrobenzene; Benzene hexahydride; Hexamethylene.
2 * 4 L 110-82-7 CH2(CH2)4CH2 H206 Chem Cabinet 7 Flammable Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
A297500 Sulfosalicylic Acid
3-Carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid dihydrate; 2-Hydroxy-5-sulfobenzoic acid dihydrate
1 * 500 (100) g 5965-83-3 HOC6H3(COOH)SO3H.2H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 4 Corrosives Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive Solid
A313-500 L tartaric acid
Natural tartaric acid; L(+)-Dihydroxysuccinic acid
1 * 500 g 87-69-4 HOOC(CHOH)2COOH H206 Chem Cabinet 4 Corrosives Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
T102-500 Thioacetamide
Ethanethioamide; TAA; Thiacetamide
1 * 500 g 62-55-5 CH3CSNH2 H206 Chem Cabinet 6 Health Hazard Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard, Carcinogen
T102-100 Thioacetamide
Ethanethioamide; TAA; Thiacetamide
1 * 100 g 62-55-5 CH3CSNH2 H206 Chem Cabinet 6 Health Hazard Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard, Carcinogen
Page 58 of 135 (2014 records)