Inventory By Product Code

Product Code Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Room Location Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
F7134 Iron (III) Chloride
Ferric chloride
1 * 100 g 7705-08-0 FeCl3 H211 Corrosive Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
F683 5-Fluoroindole
1 * 5 g 399-52-0 C8H6FN H211 Health Hazard - Oxindole Bin AK Scientific AK Scientific Warning - Health Hazard
F5879 ammonium iron (III) citrate
Ammonium ferric citrate
1 * 100 g 1187-57-5 C6H8O7 . x Fe3+ . y NH3 H218 General Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
F530 Diisopropyl azodicarboxylate
Diisopropyl azodiformate; DIAD; Azodicarboxylic acid diisopropyl ester
1 * 100 g 2446-83-5 C8H14N2O4 H211 Flammable Fridge - Bin 3 AK Scientific AK Scientific Warning - Health Hazard
F502 4-Hydroxy-TEMPO, free radical, 98% (GC) 1 * 100 g 2226-96-2 C9H18NO2 H211 Health Hazard AK Scientific AK Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
F428 5-Chloroisatin
1 * 100 g 17630-76-1 C8H4ClNO2 H211 Health Hazard - Isatin AK Scientific AK Scientific Warning - Irritant
F3629 Ammonium iron(III) sulfate dodecahydrate
Ammonium ferric sulfatedodecahydrate
1 * 250 (125) g 7783-83-7 NH4Fe(SO4)2.12H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
F320 Phenylacetylene 1 * 100 g 536-74-3 C8H6 H211 Flammable Cabinet - Medium AK Scientific AK Scientific Danger - Flammable
EX-0564 Ethylene Glycol
Monoethylene glycol; 1,2-Ethanediol
1 * 3 L 107-21-1 HOCH2CH2OH H211 Flammable Cabinet - Large EMDMillipore EMDMillipore Warning - Health Hazard
EX-0564 Ethylene Glycol
Monoethylene glycol; 1,2-Ethanediol
1 * 3 L 107-21-1 HOCH2CH2OH H206 Chem Cabinet 7 Flammable EMDMillipore EMDMillipore Warning - Health Hazard
ESL5 Cleaning Liquid, (ESL5) 100 ml 1 * 100 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details F103 Flammable Cabinet Roland DG Corporation Roland DG Corporation Warning - Combustible liquid
ER0241 Eam1105I (AhdI) 2 * 100 Units A0016 N/A H220 Freezer Thermo Scientific (a part of ThermoFisher) Thermo Scientific (a part of ThermoFisher) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
EP070R1F DreamTaq DNA Polymerase 2 * 200 Units A0016 N/A H220 Freezer Thermo Scientific (a part of ThermoFisher) Thermo Scientific (a part of ThermoFisher) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
E942 6-Fluoroindole
1 * 5 g 399-51-9 C8H6FN H211 Health Hazard - Bin 1 AK Scientific AK Scientific Warning - Health Hazard
E854 Tosylmethyl isocyanide 1 * 25 g 36635-61-7 C9H9NO2S H211 Flammable Fridge - Bin 3 AK Scientific AK Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
Page 41 of 135 (2014 records)