Inventory By Product Code

Product Code Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Room Location Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
CWA0540 Acetone
2-Propanone; Dimethyl ketone;
4 * 4 L 67-64-1 CH3COCH3 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 5 CanadaWide Scientific ACP Chemicals Inc Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
4600-1 Ethyl Acetate 3 * 4 L 141-78-6 CH3COOC2H5 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 5 Caledon Laboratory Chemicals Caledon Laboratory Chemicals Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
56894 (old 56902) Methanol
Methyl alcohol
1 * 4 L 67-56-1 CH3OH H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 3 VWR part of Avantor Anachemia - A division of VWR Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
BDH85800 (old CABDH 62804) Methanol 2 * 4 L 67-56-1 CH3OH H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 3 VWR part of Avantor VWR part of Avantor Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
N/A Hydrogen 1 * 1 Cylinder 1333-74-0 H2 H205 Bench Clamp Linde (Praxair) Praxair Canada Inc Danger - Asphyxiant, Compressed Gas and Flammable Gas
N/A Compressed Air 1 * 1 Cylinder 132259-10-0 Air H205 Bench Clamp Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Compressed Gas
A399-500 1-Butanol
n-Butanol; n-Butyl alcohol, Butan-1-ol
1 * 500 mL 71-36-3 CH3(CH2)2CH2OH H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 3 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive, Flammable and Health Hazard
LC255503 Sulfuric Acid, ACS
battery acid / brown acid / brown oil of vitriol / dihydrogen sulfate / dipping acid / electrolyte acid / nordhausen acid / oil of vitriol / sulphuric acid
2 * 2.5 L 7664-93-9 H2SO4 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 2 Lab Chem Lab Chem Danger - Corrosive and Oxidizing
470301-236 (old 82242-05) Hydrochloric acid, 1.0 M
Muriatic Acid, Water Solution / Hydrogen Chloride, Water Solution
1 * 500 mL 7647-01-0 HCl H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Warning - Irritant
HT10132-1L Bouin's solution
Bouin’s fluid; Bouins solution; Bouins
1 * 1 L 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 2 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Corrosive, Health Hazard, Peroxide formation
L1250 DL-Lactic acid
2-Hydroxypropionic acid
1 * 1 L 50-21-5 CH3.CHOH.COOH H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
69785 DL-Lactic acid
2-Hydroxypropionic acid
1 * 500 mL 50-21-5 CH3.CHOH.COOH H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
A242P-212 o-Phosphoric Acid
Orthophosphoric acid
1 * 2.5 L 7664-38-2 H3PO4 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive Liquid
A242-1 (old A365-1) o-Phosphoric Acid
Orthophosphoric acid
1 * 1 L 7664-38-2 H3PO4 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive Liquid
A242-1 o-Phosphoric Acid
Orthophosphoric acid
1 * 1 L 7664-38-2 H3PO4 H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
Page 128 of 135 (2014 records)