Inventory By Product Code

Product Code Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Room Location Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
Z68-500 Zinc Sulfate 2 * 500 g 7446-20-0 ZnSO4.7H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 4 Corrosives Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
P236-500 Potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate
Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) trihydrate
2 * 500 g 14459-95-1 K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
CW4000-1 Buffer Standard Red pH 4.00 2 * 500 mL 877-24-7 KHC8H4O4 H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General CanadaWide Scientific ACP Chemicals Inc N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C109-500 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate
Calcium dini; Nitric acid, calcium salt, tetrahydrate; Norwegian saltpeter tetrahydrate
2 * 500 g 13477-34-4 Ca(NO3)2.4H2O H220 Oxidizer Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Corrosive, Health Hazard and Oxidizer
A674-500 Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate
Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate
2 * 500 g 12054-85-2 (NH4)6Mo7O24 H206 Chem Cabinet 9 Health Hazard Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Irritant
470301-456 (9508509) Isopropyl alcohol 2 * 500 mL 67-63-0 C3H8O H207 Flammable Cabinet ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
S233-500 Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium hydrogen carbonate; Sodium acid carbonate; Carbonic acid, monosodium salt
2 * 500 g 144-55-8 NaHCO3 H220 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
SB115-500 Buffer Solution, pH 10.00, Color-Coded Blue 2 * 500 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details H220 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
470302-552 (Old 9707706) Sodium Hydroxide, Pellet 2 * 500 g 1310-73-2 NaOH H207 Under Fumehood Wards Wards Warning - Corrosive Solid
9706206 Potassium Hydroxide Pellet 2 * 500 g 1310-58-3 KOH H207 Under Fumehood Wards Wards Danger - Corrosive Solid
470300-398 Biuret Reagent 2 * 500 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details H207 Under Fumehood Wards Wards Danger - Corrosive Liquid
470300-094 (Old 9443506) Agar 2 * 500 g 9002-18-0 N/A (Agar for plant tissue culture) H206 Edu General ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
S445-500 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate 2 * 500 g 10102-17-7 Na2S2O3.5H2O H206 Chem Cabinet 2 General Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Combustible
SX0760-1 Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous 2 * 500 g 7757-82-6 Na2SO4 H206 Chem Cabinet 2 General EMDMillipore EMDMillipore N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
TR2-MG TrueVIS INK, TR2-MG (Magenta) 2 * 500 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details F103 Flammable Cabinet Roland DG Corporation Roland DG Corporation Danger - Combustible liquid, Health Hazard, Corrosive
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