Inventory By Chemical Formula

Chemical Formula Cas Number Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Room Location Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
39450-01-6 Proteinase-K
Proteinase, tritirachium album serine; Endopeptidase K
4 * 100 mg R109 Freezer BP1700-100 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Asthma inducer
KClO3 38811-04-9 Potassium chlorate 2 * 500 g H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer CWP2925-1 CanadaWide Scientific ACP Chemicals Inc Danger - Oxidizer and Health Hazard
C4H5Br 38771-21-0 4-Bromo-1-butyne
1 * 5 g H211 Flammable Fridge - Bin 2 675725 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
C37H34Na2N2O9S3 3844-45-9 Erioglaucine Disodium Salt 1 * 25 g H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General 861146 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Warning - Aquatic toxin
KClO3 3811-04-9 Potassium Chlorate 1 * 500 g H206 Edu Oxidizer 9807806 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Oxidizer
KClO3 3811-04-9 Potassium chlorate 1 * 500 g H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer 255572 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Oxidizer and Health Hazard
(C21H39N7O12)2 . (H2O4S)3 3810-74-0 Streptomycin sulfate salt 1 * 25 g R123 Fridge S0774 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Warning - Health Hazard
(C21H39N7O12)2 . (H2O4S)3 3810-74-0 Streptomycin sulfate salt 1 * 25 g H220 Glass Fridge S0774 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Warning - Health Hazard, Suspected Teratogen
C2H3NaO2S 367-51-1 Sodium thioglycollate 1 * 100 g H220 Media 212081 BD Diagnostic Systems BD Diagnostic Systems Warning - Irritant
C5H3FeN6.H4N.2Na 36682-41-4 Ammonium Disodium Pentacyanoamminferrate dihydrate
Ammonium disodium amminepentakis(cyano-C)ferrate(3-) dihydrate
1 * 25 (12) g H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General 09710 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C9H9NO2S 36635-61-7 Tosylmethyl isocyanide 1 * 25 g H211 Flammable Fridge - Bin 3 E854 AK Scientific AK Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
C40H40N6O6S 3625-57-8 Nile Blue A
Nile Blue Sulfate; Basic Blue 12
1 * 25 g H220 General - Small Bottle N5632 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C23H15O9SNa3 3564-18-9 Eriochrome cyanine RC 1 * 10 g R109 General 103164 (E2502) MilliporeSigma MilliporeSigma N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C6H4FNO2 350-46-9 1-Fluoro-4-nitrobenzene, 99%
p-Nitrofluorbenzene; 4-Fluoronitrobenzene; p-Fluoronitrobenzene
1 * 500 g H211 Health Hazard - Bin 1 AC119490050 Fisher Scientific Acros Danger - Health Hazard
C8H4F3NO2 35037-73-1 4-(Trifluoromethoxy)phenyl isocyanate 1 * 25 g H211 Flammable Fridge L580 AK Scientific AK Scientific Danger - Combustible liquid, Health Hazard
Page 84 of 135 (2014 records)