Inventory By Chemical Formula

Chemical Formula Cas Number Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Room Location Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
N/A 9012-36-6 Agarose 1 * 25 g H206 Edu General ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
(C6H10O5)n 9005-25-8 Starch Soluble 1 * 100 g H206 Edu General ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
N/A (Agar for plant tissue culture) 9002-18-0 Agar 2 * 500 g H206 Edu General 470300-094 (Old 9443506) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C3H8O 67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol 2 * 500 mL H207 Flammable Cabinet 470301-456 (9508509) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
KI 7681-11-0 Potassium iodide 1 * 500 g H206 Edu General 470302-176 (9423006) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Health Hazard
HCl 7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid, 1.0 M
Muriatic Acid, Water Solution / Hydrogen Chloride, Water Solution
1 * 500 mL H205 Under Fumehood Cabinet 6 470301-236 (old 82242-05) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Warning - Irritant
I 7553-56-2 Iodine 1 * 100 g H207 Under Fumehood 9704304 ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Acute toxicity
Zn 7440-66-6 Zinc Metal, Mossy 1 * 2.5 kg H206 Edu General 9439108 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
CuSO4.5H2O 7758-99-8 Copper (II) SUlfate 1 * 500 g H218 Health Hazard 94576506 ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Irritant
K2Cr2O7 7778-50-9 Potassium Dichromate
potassium bichromate
1 * 500 g H206 Edu Oxidizer 470302-110 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Corrosive, Health Hazard and Oxidizer
AgNO3 7761-88-8 Silver Nitrate 3 * 25 g H206 Edu Oxidizer 470302-398 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Corrosive and Oxidizing
KMnO4 7722-64-7 Potassium Permanganate 1 * 500 g H206 Edu Oxidizer CA470302-234 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Anachemia - A division of VWR Danger - Oxidizer and Health Hazard
KNO3 7757-79-1 Potassium Nitrate 1 * 2.5 kg H206 Edu Oxidizer (Large) 9808608 ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Oxidizer and Health Hazard
CH3COOH 64-19-7 Acetic Acid, Glacial 1 * 2.5 L H207 Flammable Cabinet 470300-036 (9711008) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
CH3OH 67-56-1 Methanol 1 * 3.8 L H207 Flammable Cabinet CA470301-754 (9509100) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
Page 54 of 135 (2014 records)