Inventory By Chemical Formula

Chemical Formula Cas Number Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Room Location Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
BaCl2.2H2O 10326-27-9 Barium chloride dihydrate
Barium dichloride dihydrate
1 * 500 g H220 Health Hazard B34-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
BaCl2.2H2O 10326-27-9 Barium Chloride Anhydrous 1 * 100 g H206 Chem Cabinet 9 Health Hazard 9600906 ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Health Hazard
BaCl2.2H2O 10326-27-9 Barium Chloride
Barium dichloride dihydrate; Barium chloride dihydrate
1 * 500 g H206 Chem Cabinet 9 Health Hazard B34-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
BaCl2.2H2O 10326-27-9 Barium Chloride 1 * 500 g H206 Chem Cabinet 6 Health Hazard B34500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
C27H27Br2O5SNa 34722-90-2 Bardac 2050 1 * 250 mL H206 Chem Under Sink N/A Lonza Lonza Danger - Corrosive, Flammable and Health Hazard
Mixture - see SDS for details 000-000-002 Balsam, Canada in xylene 5 * 25 mL H207 Flammable Cabinet 470300-296 (9503702) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Flammable and Health Hazard
Mixture - see SDS for details 000-000-002 Bactoclean Various * 1 Gallon A137A Various Locations - see List in A137A 382-2110 Reliable Reliable N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
N/A A0016 Bacto beef extract 1 * 500 g H220 Media 211520 BD Diagnostic Systems BD Diagnostic Systems N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
RG1 Bacteria 000-000-003 Bacillus subtilis
Hay bacillus; grass bacillus
2 * 1 Vial H219 Biohazard Fridge 470176‐526 VWR part of Avantor Wards Warning - RG1 Biohazard
RG1 Bacteria 000-000-003 Bacillus megaterium 1 * 1 Vial H219 Biohazard Fridge 470176‐608 VWR part of Avantor Wards Warning - RG1 Biohazard
RG1 Bacteria 000-000-003 Bacillus coagulans
Lactobacillus sporogenes
1 H219 Biohazard Fridge 0596P Pulse Scientific Microbiologics Warning - RG1 Biohazard
RG2 Bacteria 000-000-004 Bacillus cereus
Bacillus cereus food poisoning
1 * 1 Vial H219 Biohazard Fridge 470176-604 VWR part of Avantor Wards Danger - RG2 Biohazard
CH3CH2OH 64-17-5 Bacdown antimicrobial handsoap 1 * various L Not Available Various Laboratory Locations 7001, 7005, 7018 Fisher Scientific Decon Laboratories Inc N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C9H10O 42273-76-7 a-Vinylbenzyl alcohol 1 * 1 g H211 Flammable Fridge - Bin 5 423769 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Warning - Irritant
mixture N/A ATTAC Stripper ? * 4 L A137A Various Locations - see List in A137A 95032386 Diversey, Inc. - Canada Diversey, Inc. - Canada Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
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