Inventory By Chemical Formula

Chemical Formula Cas Number Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Room Location Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
Mixture - see SDS for details 000-000-002 Revital-Ox Resert N/A * 1 Bottle RSAC 152 General 4455 Steris Steris N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
Ar 7440-37-1 Argon Gas 99.998% 1 * 1 Q-Cyl R139 Gas Storage Rack N/A Praxair Canada Inc Praxair Canada Inc Warning - Compressed Gas and Asphyxiant
He 7440-59-7 Helium Liquid
Helium, Refrigerated Liquid; Helium -4; Refrigerant GAs R-704
1 R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Cryogenic Burn or Injury
He 7440-59-7 Helium Compressed Gas
Helium-4, refridgerant gas R-704, LaserStar Helium, Medipure Helium, UltraLift Helium
2 * T Cylinder R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Compressed Gas and Asphyxiant
N2 7727-37-9 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 4 * T Cylinder R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Compressed Gas and Asphyxiant
N2 7727-37-9 Liquid Nitrogen
Refrigerated Nitrogen
1 R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Cryogenic Burn or Injury
CO 630-08-0 Carbon Monoxide 1 * Q Cylinder R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Danger - Flammable, Toxic and Explosive Compressed Gas
SO2 7446-09-5 Sulfur Dioxide
Sulfur Oxide, Sulfurous acid anhydride, sulfurous oxide
1 R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Danger - Toxic, Corrosive and Compressed Gas
C2H2 74-86-2 Acetylene Compressed Gas
ACN, Acetylene Dissolved, Acetlyen, Ethyne
1 R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Danger - Asphyxiant, Compressed Gas and Flammable Gas
Ar 7440-37-1 Argon
Shielding Gas, Argon 40, ADDvance Argon 5.0
2 * T Cylinder R139 Gas Storage Rack Linde (Praxair) Linde (Praxair) Warning - Compressed Gas and Asphyxiant
O2 7782-44-7 Oxygen
1 * 1 Cylinder R135 Bench Clamp E4638-J Praxair Canada Inc Praxair Canada Inc Danger - Compressed gas, Oxidizer
C22H16N4O 85-86-9 Sudan III
Cerasin Red; Fat Ponceau G; Scarlet B; Fat Soluble Sudan; Sudan G; Tony Red; Solvent Red; 23 1-[4-(Phenylazo)phenylazo]-2-naphthol; Sudan Red BK
1 * 25 g R128 Shelving S4131 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C34H25N9Na2O7S2 1937-37-7 Chlorazol Black
Direct Black 38; Chlorazole Black E
1 * 5 g R128 Shelving C1144 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Health Hazard
C15H17ClN4 553-24-2 Neutral Red
1 * 5 g R128 Shelving 72210 Sigma Aldrich Fluka (part of Sigma-Aldrich) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
C20H19N4.Cl 477-73-6 Safranin O
3,7-Diamino-2,8-dimethyl-5-phenylphenazinium chloride
1 * 25 g R128 Shelving S2255 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
Page 1 of 135 (2014 records)